GST Return Filing In Jaipur

Excited about starting your business with seamless GST Return Filing in Jaipur? Don’t hesitate! Contact the Apkireturn Team today for expert guidance in managing GST regulations and ensuring a smooth start to your business.

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GST Returns In Jaipur

GST Returns in India are categorized mainly into three types: Regular Returns, Composition Returns and Annual Returns. Here’s a brief overview of each:

ApkiReturn guarantees exceptional satisfaction and prompt delivery of your GST Return Filing, handling all government requirements with our expert team. For efficient GST return filing in Jaipur and comprehensive GST compliance services, reach out to us at 0766 515 6000 or email

  • Regular GST returns are filed by taxpayers whose annual aggregate turnover exceeds 5 crores or taxpayers who have not opted for the QRMP (Quarterly Return Filing) scheme.
  • Quarterly Return Filing can be opted by whose annual aggregate turnover does not exceeds 5 crores.
  • The most common regular returns are GSTR-1, GSTR-2A, GSTR-3B etc.
  • GSTR-1 involves the monthly or quarterly declaration of outward supplies.
  • GSTR-2A/2B is an auto-populated return based on the information furnished in GSTR-1 by suppliers.
  • GSTR-3B is a monthly summary of outward supplies, inward supplies and the payment of tax.
  • This is for businesses registered under the GST Composition Scheme, which allows small taxpayers to pay tax at a fixed rate of turnover and file returns quarterly. Businesses with an annual aggregate turnover up to Rs.1.5 crore can opt into the composition scheme
  • The main return under this scheme is GSTR-4, filed quarterly, summarizing the sales and tax paid.
  • GSTR-4A is an auto-drafted form for composition dealers based on the information furnished by their suppliers in GSTR-1.
  • The annual GST return is a comprehensive form that summarizes the details of the entire year’s returns filed monthly or quarterly.
  • GSTR-9 is the annual return filed by regular taxpayers, consolidating all the information provided in monthly/quarterly returns. Mandatory Required to be filed whose aggregate Turnover exceeds 2 Crores.
  • GSTR-9A is the annual return for those registered under the Composition Scheme.
  • GSTR-9C is a reconciliation statement, which is essentially an audit of the annual returns filed in GSTR-9, applicable for taxpayers whose turnover exceeds a specified limit.
  • Mandatory Required to be filed whose aggregate Turnover exceeds 5 Crores along with GSTR 9.

Other Some Aspects in GST

A GST Notice is an official communication issued by tax authorities to a taxpayer for various reasons. It could be for the non-compliance of tax laws, discrepancies in tax returns, or for the purpose of seeking additional information or clarification. The notice requires the taxpayer to respond within a specified period, failing which may result in penalties or further legal action. The response to a GST notice must be accurate and timely to avoid any complications.

GST Cancellation refers to the annulment of GST registration. This can occur either suo moto by the tax authorities due to non-compliance, such as not filing returns regularly, or can be initiated by the taxpayer. For instance, if a business ceases to operate or its annual turnover falls below the threshold limit, the taxpayer might choose to cancel the GST registration. The cancellation implies that the taxpayer is no longer liable to pay GST or claim input tax credit.

Revocation is the process of reversing the cancellation of GST registration. If the GST registration is cancelled by the tax authorities and the taxpayer believes it to be unjust or due to a misunderstanding, they can file for revocation of this cancellation. This application for revocation must be filed within a stipulated time frame, usually within 30 days from the date of cancellation order. The taxpayer is required to provide sufficient reasons and evidence to support their case for revocation.


The type of GST return you need to file depends on your turnover and business type. There are three main types of GST returns:

  • GSTR-1: This monthly return is used to declare your sales and purchases.
  • GSTR-3B: This is a simplified quarterly return used by businesses with a turnover of less than Rs. 5 crore. It combines both sales and purchase information.
  • GSTR-9: This annual return is used to declare your total annual income and taxes paid.

You need to file GST returns online every month or quarter, depending on your turnover.

Non-compliance with GST can lead to penalties and interest charges.

You can find more information about GST on the website of the Goods and Services Tax Council or by contacting the tax authorities.

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